OMG this is like the coolest thing in the whole world EV-AH! I'm gonna get these right now so I can look at you all day, Hello Kitty! I'm going to look at you RIGHT IN YOUR FUCKING SOUL ROFL!!!
Even when I'm dead, I'll make sure it's in my will that the undertaker keeps them in my corpse eyes like coins for Charon so I can stare at you in Hello Kitty Heaven LOL!
Can you see me too, Hello Kitty? Of course you can! Can you see my thoughts as images? Can you see me LOVE?!
You are one twisted individual.
Gotta be the reason I let you hang out with me.
Because you love Hello Kitty, too!
Right? RIGHT?!
Yup... you know it. Got my pocket pussy all decorated in Hello Kitty apparel.
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